Friday, July 3, 2009

Are You Ready to Become a Master of Manifestation?

I have been using the Law of Attraction or Law of Manifestation consciously for over two years. It was hit and miss for awhile, because I needed to learn how everything worked together. It just wasn't doing the worksheets of contrast and clarity as Michael Lossier recommends and learning to do allowing statments. Those are really good tools, but it was also the intention and focus behind the lists of desires I wanted to attract to my life.

As I was listening to the various audio books on the Law of Attraction or LOA for short, and reading anything I could get my hands on regarding the laws of manifestation; and saying my statements of gratitude every morning and night. I was starting to get results, but I knew there was still something missing that would help pull everything together.

Before I go on, I want to clarify, that my life has improved tremendously in the two years I have been actively using the LOA. I started to improve my relationships with co-workers, friends and families. I was starting to recognize when I was off track and learn to pivot to better feeling thoughts to continue to have harmonious life experiences. My income was increasing little by little. But there was a missing component for me that was keeping me from havng consistent, magical, A-ha experiences.

I knew that if I choose to dwell on the thought, I am frustrated, I don't get it, that is the results I could produce (I love using the word "choose" because that makes me feel empowered-I decide) So as always, I turn to my Science of Mind training and know that as long as I remain open, the answer would reveal itself at the perfect time. I could let go of resistance and old outdated messages and allow the channel of spirit to come to me in the subtle gentle whisper of wisdom to suffuse in my brain.

One of the things I did to keep the feelings of abundance flowing to me and in me was joining the Audible book club and signed up for the membership that would allow me to be gifted one credit a month to choose any audio book that gave me that surge of happy anticipation. One month as I was purusing the Law of Attraction section, my eye caught a selection that was titled "How to Activate the Law of Attraction", by Christine Sherborne. It was a different concept where it used music that tapped into the subconscious mind.

This was an important conponent that I learned in a class called Belief Transformation. It said that when the subconscious mind hears a thought once, it is forever in our personal cosmology and when the thought is triggered good or bad, it is a belief. so for, instance, if your parent said to you "You're no good at math, you're a girl" and your subconscious mind hears it-from that point forward-you will probably have a hard time leaning any mathematical concepts.

That doesn't mean that once you have that belief in your mind, you can't change it, you just have to replace that thought from "I am not good at math because I am a girl" to "I am a girl who loves math" and you will see immediate changes in solving math problems.

Knowing that this recording would be teaching me how to tap into my contrasting thoughts about money, abundance, good health and change them was an exciting possibility and because of all the clearing out I have done in the past 12 years, I knew I was ready.

So I put on the recording, listened to it twice a day as recommended and within two weeks (two weeks seems to be a period of time when I will see changes) I could see more happy accidents coming into my life. I was feeling joyful and ready to meet the new day when I got up in the morning. I would listen to the recording and the affirmations that were replacing my old messages about claiming my abundance.

After about two months, I was recieving more opportunities to increase my income, I was becoming more creative in my art, I was being invited to sing at my favorite SOM church. I was starting to lose weight. One morning I was listening to the recording and as I was listening to the affirmations, I realized that every affirmation was manifesting in my daily life.

So this is just a small list of what I have manifested:

*A mobile phone that normally retails for $150- I only paid 21.66 and it works great and the monthly rates are comparable with my previous provider

*A case for my phone that normally retailed $12.99 for only $4.00

*Two tickets to a musical I wanted to see when it came to San Francisco-Spamalot, retailing $60 each.

*A wonderfully expensive personal vibrator that retails for $150

*Free tickets to see a concert with back stage passes.

*Increasing sales at work

*Happy customer interactions

*Good seats on public transportation-Go Muni and Bart!

*Beautiful bouquets of flowers

*A book by John O'Hurley, "Before Your Dog Can Eat Your Homework, First You Have to Do It". (John if you are reading it, I would gladly buy your book full price, but I was asking the Universe to find your book at a price I could easily put into my budget) for only $.01

*Many Joyful events through out the day...

The list goes on and on-thankfully and gratefully.

I am a Manifestation coach and I love helping other people to bring in wonderful things into their lives. This is part of my spiritual work, so I am grateful to be doing my work. This is what gives my life meaing and keeps me reminded about the miracles and beauty is that is all around me. Sometimes I exchange currency for my work, sometimes gardening tips or finding the perfect solution to a challenge. I am well paid in actual goods, services or Karma Points that go into my account in the Universal Bank, where there are no reserves, only flowing abundance.

I know this blog will go out to the perfect readers, I look forward to meeting and talking with you. We can go to my special coffee places in San Francisco-The Caffe Museo on Third Street or the Cafe Amilci on 5th street or Panama Red in Vallejo, where I currently reside. There we can talk about the wonderful things you want to manifest in your life.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Life Is To Be Enjoyed!

I have been consciously using the Law of Attraction for going on 3 years now. I am starting to see when things are going to work and where my blind spots are so to speak. But even that is not the same source of anxiety it once was. Why? Because I know that when I release the under the surface messges, my life will unfold in more wonderful magical ways. I like the word magic, because it brings up the the possibility of things to come. Since I have been consciously using the Law of Attraction, my opportunities for advancement and sharing more of my talents are manifesting. I am now teaching more classes, doing more workshops and getting connected with people who are wonderful supports for me.

I am now using my abilities as a painter, singer, songwriter and Reiki Master to incorporate these talents to do my spiritual work and create a non-profit spiritual center to bring up awareness to all animals on the planet. I am starting to bring people together to share in that vision.

So yes, I can say, truthfully and with confidence, that the Law of Attraction is working in my life in a positive way. I want everyone to know how great it is and when you start seeing the synchronisities in your life, bringing unexpected gifts, you can design a new blueprint to your life and write a new story. I am so grateful everyday to have these opportunities.

if you need help let me know. I want to help you. I am open to receive new opportunities to share the joy everyone can feel when they start using the Law of Attraction consciously. Good forturne isn't open only to the lucky, but the ones who are open to doing things differently by the thoughts they feel with emotion. I also what to share two good audio books that can help you sift through the many things out there.

First I want to share with you Michael Lossier's, "The Law of Attraction and how to use it". it is like a primer for people who have not had any experience with using this spiritual law. Another way of looking at the Law of Attraction is a book that has been around for a long time "You can Heal Your Life", by Louise Hay. Louise uses a lot of affirmation work and can tell you how to change the negative messages you have and how to replace them with positive messages.

The next book that talks about how to work with your angels and guides is called "Ask Your Guides by Sonia Choquette. Just listening to her positive voice, full of enthusiasm can start pulling you out of a negative space. It is book full of uplifting energy and childlike trust.

These are just a few of my personal favorites. But these aren't the magic bullet for everyone. There are a lot of things out there. Louise Hay once said the reason there is so many things out there is because not everyone hears things the same way. So use your intuitive mind and ask your guidence the literary vehicle that will help you. It is so worth it.